Opening hours today: 10:00 - 18:00

Opening hours today:
10:00 - 18:00


Café Backstage Udo-Lindenberg-Platz 1, Gronau (Westphalia), Deutschland

As a partner of the "Science Year 2024 - Freedom", the University of Münster is hosting an exciting evening of talks as part of its regional initiative "Expedition Münsterland".
Under the title "How does freedom sound in black, red and gold?", the focus will be on the topics of freedom and German-German music history.
The year 2024 marks two important anniversaries: 75 years of the Basic Law and 35 years of the Peaceful Revolution.
The Year of Science 2024 is taking this as an opportunity to shed light on the value and significance of freedom from different perspectives.
Michael Custodis, Anna Seidel and Niklas Schwartz will take you on a journey through Germany's musical history and shed light on how freedom can be expressed artistically - be it through sounds, texts or images.
The evening is organized by the Arbeitsstelle Forschungstransfer (AFO) of the University of Münster.
Admission is free, but registration by e-mail ( is requested for better planning.
The Science Years are a joint initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD). Subject to change without notice.


Café Backstage Udo-Lindenberg-Platz 1, Gronau (Westphalia), Deutschland

On Friday, 25.10. the café stage of the rocknpopmuseum belongs to the Poetry Slam NewComer:innen. With their fresh lyrics, they step onto the boards that mean the world for the first time and finally give expression to their words and thoughts. A single text per act is sufficient for participation and the audience then chooses winners in the categories "Heart", "Humor" and "Depth". The "winner takes it all" principle does not apply, but rather thematic diversity is in the spotlight. It starts at 20:00 and is hosted by Marian Heuser alias Peter Panisch. Organizer: Familienbildungsstätte Gronau Subject to change.

Musical panel discussion on the 30th anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s death

Café Backstage Udo-Lindenberg-Platz 1, Gronau (Westphalia), Deutschland

An evening in honor of Kurt Cobain on the 30th anniversary of his death.
April 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death.
To mark this anniversary, the presenter and musicologist and sociologist Prof. Michael Custodis from the University of Münster will take a look at the "Nirvana phenomenon" and the musician Kurt Cobain from very different angles.
The audience will also have the opportunity to share their own experiences and associations with Nirvana and Kurt Cobain.
The evening will naturally be framed by Nirvana's music.
Picture: IMAGO / USA TODAY Network Subject to change.

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