Opening hours today: 10:00 - 18:00

Opening hours today:
10:00 - 18:00


As a partner of the “Science Year 2024 – Freedom”, the University of Münster is hosting an exciting evening of talks as part of its regional initiative “Expedition Münsterland”.
Under the title “How does freedom sound in black, red and gold?”, the focus will be on the topics of freedom and German-German music history.
The year 2024 marks two important anniversaries: 75 years of the Basic Law and 35 years of the Peaceful Revolution.
The Year of Science 2024 is taking this as an opportunity to shed light on the value and significance of freedom from different perspectives.
Michael Custodis, Anna Seidel and Niklas Schwartz will take you on a journey through Germany’s musical history and shed light on how freedom can be expressed artistically – be it through sounds, texts or images.
The evening is organized by the Arbeitsstelle Forschungstransfer (AFO) of the University of Münster.
Admission is free, but registration by e-mail ( is requested for better planning.
The Science Years are a joint initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD). Subject to change without notice.

Open day

The rock’n’popmuseum is 20 years old and we would like to celebrate with you with an open day! Freut euch auf ein buntes Programm für die ganze Familie, mit dabei sind:
Die Musikacts “Twogether Music”, “Radio Lukas” und “Mel&Friends”, MOMUs Rockmobil- der Proberaum auf Rädern, Programm von den Gronauer Ortsverbänden der Feuerwehr, dem DRK, dem THW und der Polizei, Fotos machen mit Spiderman & Captain America & Türmchen, Herausragende Double von Tina Turner und Elvis Presley, Tributeshows von Tina Turner und Elvis Presley, Mitmachausstellung “PhänomexX”, Bastelprogramm für Kinder, Disco-Hüpfburg, ein breites gastronomisches Angebot, wie z.B. frische Quarkbällchen, Kaffee, Eis, Kuchen, Pommes und vieles mehr. Zudem gibt es einen Ausklang bis 19Uhr im Musikclub Turbine mit Twogether Music!

Änderungen vorbehalten.

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